Privacy Policy

Protection of Personal Data

The processing of personal data is necessary to meet the contractual terms provided by an online trader or for the preceding steps to conclude a contract with an online trader in compliance with the provisions of The Italian Personal Data Collection Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003 or Decreto Legislativo 30 Giugno 2003, N.196 “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali” (in S.O n.123 alla G.U 29 Luglio 2003, n.174) (hereinafter referred to as Legislative Decree no. 196)

  1. Crafts Unfold (hereinafter referred to as “The Studio, Our, Us, We”) is empowered to process their client`s personal data (hereinafter referred to as, the client/you/your). Established in Piazzale Menechen da Recanati, 62019 Recanati Macerata, Italy where all data collection and processing takes place. The contact detail is as follows: [email protected]
  2. Legislative Decree no. 196 Article 11 states that Crafts Unfold has the responsibility to collect and processed personal data lawfully, fairly, relevant, complete and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which they are collected or subsequently processed.
  3. Personal Data is only collected and processed for the fulfillment of the contractual terms concluded by Crafts Unfold and you.
  4. The personal data collected is a limited information only necessary to fulfill the contract, conclude the sale and realize the project requested by the client.
  5. Personal Data is only kept for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which they are collected or subsequently processed.

Personal Data Collection and Processing

  1. The purposes of collecting and processing of personal data are as follows:
  2. To conclude a contract between Crafts Unfold and the client or execute a measure by the former before concluding the contract.
  3. To inform the client as to the initiation, progress, evaluation and status of orders placed on (herein after referred to as, our website)
  4. By completing your data in the order form, you declared expressly, unconditionally and unequivocally accept that such data will be used for processing and fulfilling your orders from our website. The Personal Data we process are only those that are offered by you.
  5. The studio processes Personal Data by automated and manual means intended to issue services and order invoices, delivery of orders, collection of claims related to them, as well as resolving requests in connection with the company’s activity. 
  6. Personal data shall not be transferred abroad.
  7. Refusal to provide us with the requested data determines our inability to provide the requested services to you.

Third Parties

In order to finalize and fulfill the shipment and payment of orders and services, third parties may require your Personal Data. The registered information is intended for use by Crafts Unfold and is communicated to the following recipients:

Personal information provided by clients may be transferred abroad, to countries within the EU, in accordance with and within the limits provided for by article 42 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003. Personal information provided by clients may be transferred abroad, to countries outside of the EU, for the purposes and within the limits provided for by article 44b of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003. In this regard, it should be noted that ‘Arte & Design Srl’ can only work with individuals who adhere to the “Safe Harbour Privacy Principles”.

Rights of the Owner of Personal Data

Pursuant to Article 7 of Legislative Decree 196, the owner of the personal data shall have the following rights:

  1. To obtain confirmation of existence of data.
  2. To be informed of the sources of personal data, purposes, methods and logic applied to the processing.
  3. To obtain updates, rectification, integration, erasure, anonymization or blocking of data that have been processed and retained unlawfully
  4. To object in whole or in part on legitimate grounds even though they are relevant to the purposes of the collection or where the personal data is carried out for marketing and commercial purposes.

Crafts Unfold reserves the right to any publication of photos and / or materials used for advertising to our website and any other social media platforms that we are associated with. Any sensitive information such as addresses, phone numbers, will be removed or blurred out.

In case you do not want the material to be published, you can request a removal at [email protected]


When accessing our sites, it can store a volume of information on your computer. This information is in the form of “cookie” or a data file similar to it and represents a feature with which we offer you easier navigation on our sites. Cookies are small files that the browser puts on the user’s hard drive. These cookies are used to memorize the names of users, passwords and preferences, to monitor the paths on the site and to personalize the pages according to the visitor. In the structure of each Internet browser there is the option to delete “cookies” from the hard drive, to block the receipt of “cookies” or to receive a message when a “cookie” is stored on your computer.

Review the Privacy Policy

Crafts Unfold as author/administrator of the website may, at any time and without prior notice, revise the privacy policy. You are obliged to respect any and all such revisions. If you have any questions about our Privacy policy, please write to us via our contact form or email address [email protected]